Purchase Orders
All completed negotiations with PACCAR suppliers for truck related components are finalized with a Corporate Blanket Purchase Order (BPO) to the suppliers. Actual order quantities are documented with a plant release against the BPO, which provides the supplier with authorization to build and ship.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Implementation Guidelines for PACCAR and PACCAR Parts can be found on PACCAR.net. EDI is expected to be used for all orders and invoices between PACCAR and the supplier.
Reach out to your main PACCAR business contact to request access.
If you have access to PACCAR.net and have login questions, please contact PACCAR.SupplierNet.Support@PACCAR.com.
Tooling Purchase Orders are issued for all tooling that is PACCAR property regardless of the location of the tool. PACCAR suppliers are required to maintain the tool in working condition to produce quality parts during the stated life of the tool. Tooling records must be kept up to date to reflect the tool maintenance. The supplier is also responsible for appropriate tool identification, proper tool storage, and proof of full insurance coverage for the tool.
Terms & Conditions
PACCAR suppliers are required to abide by all terms and conditions contained on the Purchase Order unless alternative terms are agreed to by PACCAR Purchasing. All exceptions must be authorized in writing and stated on the purchase order.
PACCAR Purchasing requires a minimum ninety day written notice prior to any price increase. Written notification must include part numbers, current and proposed prices, and supporting documentation substantiating the price change.